Stir to Action is committed to conducting its business fairly, honestly and with transparency and in compliance with all legal and regulatory obligations. We expect all Stir to Action directors, employees and anyone acting on our behalf to do the same and to maintain the highest standards of ethical business behaviour.
However, all organisations face the risk of things going wrong from time to time. A culture of openness and accountability is essential in order to prevent such situations occurring and to address them when they do occur. A key aspect of ensuring and maintaining our commitment to conducting business with integrity and in an open and fair manner is by providing a robust whistleblowing policy and reporting channel, so that all employees feel able to report any wrongdoing in confidence. We encourage workers to report any concerns as soon as they arise.
The aim of this policy therefore is to:
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA) protects whistleblowers from negative treatment or dismissal for raising their concerns. This is a day-one right, which means that a worker or employee can bring a legal claim under PIDA as a whistleblower from the first day of their employment. This protection does not extend to self-employed freelancer members and volunteers.
This policy applies to all employees (including directors and members of the co-op), freelance associates, volunteers, programme attendees, and anyone else engaged with us in a project or programme.
This policy is intended to cover concerns which are in the public interest. Stir to Action wants to hear about conduct that is unlawful, dishonest or unethical as soon as possible and is committed to addressing it. Examples of the types of misconduct or behaviour that could give rise to a report are as follows (this is not an exhaustive list) and we encourage everyone to report any behaviour or incidents which they have concerns about:
Everyone has a responsibility to report any such misconduct or potential misconduct as soon as they become aware of it. If you are uncertain whether something is within scope of this policy, it is preferable that any concerns are reported rather than kept to yourself.
Please note that this is not a policy to be used in order to raise questions about Stir to Action’s financial decisions or business strategy, nor should it be used to raise matters which would normally be considered under our grievance procedure (for example harassment, bullying or discrimination).
Unless you have raised a concern anonymously, we will hold a meeting with you to discuss the issues you have raised. If you are an employee, you are entitled to be accompanied at this meeting, and any other meetings held under this Policy, by a work colleague or trade union representative. You (and your companion, if appropriate) may be asked to keep the matter confidential whilst an investigation takes place.
Once you have raised a concern, we will endeavour to keep you informed of the progress of the investigation. However, sometimes the need for confidentiality may prevent us giving you specific details of the investigation or any disciplinary action taken as a result. You should treat any information about the investigation as confidential. If we conclude that an employee has made false allegations maliciously, they will be subject to disciplinary action.
This policy encourages you to put your name to your concern whenever possible. All concerns will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made not to reveal your identity if you so wish.You may, however, need to come forward as a witness later on.
Please note that you:
The aim of this policy is to provide an internal mechanism for reporting, investigating and remedying any wrongdoing in the workplace. In most cases you should not find it necessary to alert anyone externally. However, Stir to Action recognises that there may be circumstances where staff may feel they wish to report matters to outside bodies such as a regulator or the police.
We strongly encourage you to seek advice before reporting a concern to anyone external.
The independent whistleblowing charity, Protect, operates a confidential helpline. They also have a list of prescribed regulators for reporting certain types of concern. Protect can be contacted on their free and confidential whistleblowing advice line 020 3117 2520 or via a contact form on their website.
Stir to Action will ensure that genuine concerns based on a reasonable belief can be raised without fear of retaliation and will not affect the continued employment of the person who raised their concerns.
Stir to Action will not tolerate harassment, victimisation or retaliation towards any person for raising concerns on the basis of a reasonable belief, or for objecting or refusing to participate in any act or practice that they honestly believe to be in violation of the law or to be misconduct. Any such harassment, victimisation or retaliation will be treated as very serious and will be a disciplinary offence in accordance with our procedures.
All reports will be handled in complete confidence and the identity of the individual reporting the issue will be kept confidential and only disclosed to those who need to know it for purposes of any investigation. You may also choose to raise a concern anonymously via the form below.
Option 1 – Supervisor
Any reports should be made to your supervisor in the first instance for further investigation. This may be done either verbally or in writing. A decision will then be taken as to who is best placed to investigate and resolve the matter.
Option 2 – Directors
If the option of reporting to your supervisor is inappropriate or you feel uncomfortable in doing so for any reason (including if you have concerns about their involvement), or the response received is unsatisfactory, you can report the concern to another director for further investigation. A decision will then be taken as to who is best placed to investigate and resolve the matter.
Option 1 – Email one of our Directors
Any concerns can be shared with one of our directors by email:
Abby Gordon-Farleigh:
Daniel Stanley:
Option 2 – Anonymous Report
If you would prefer to make an anonymous report, please do so using the form below.