What's Happening at Stir to Action? - Spring 2022

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written by

Grace Crabtree

Apr 8, 2022


Our online magazine page has been redesigned, featuring a new selection of rolling articles and access to our interview archive. Visit stirtoaction.com/magazine to explore.

Also new on the website is an updated ‘projects’ page, a newly designed portfolio of our ongoing and previous projects and partnerships. Visit stirtoaction.com/projects to explore.

Playground for the New Economy festival

We’re really excited for our annual festival – 12th-14 July – that will be once again filling the fields of our residential campus at Selgars Mill in mid-Devon with provocative and inspiring panels, workshops, sustainable food and drink, and live music. Check out the programme at stirtoaction.com/festival.

Early-bird tickets are now sold out, but we still have standard, group, and day tickets for sale. If you don’t fancy camping, book a pre-pitched bell tent while they’re still available!

New Models for Family Farm Succession

New Models for Family Farm Succession is a pilot programme to support family farm owners who are interested in retaining farmland in food production, open to a patient process of selling to a community buyer, and are ready to start succession planning over the next year. There is more information in this issue, see pages .

If you’re a family farmer or community food initiative and interested in finding out more about our support offer, fill out the expression of interest form by 1st May, or email farming@stirtoaction.com for more information. To access the form, read our blog post ‘Is your family farm interested in a sustainable future?

Cooperate Islington

Cooperate Islington was formally launched at Space4 on 3rd March, with an evening event and open advice surgeries for local groups who are in the process of starting or developing a co-operative in Islington. We have also announced the first round of beneficiaries of grants and business support, and the second – and probably final – round is open for applications until 16th May.

The rest of the team are currently working on finalising the business plan, and are starting to fundraise over the next few months.

Democratic Business and Policy

Unfortunately postponed because of the latest wave of COVID-19, we planned a Stir to Action roundtable event – Who’s asking? Changing how policy is developed for democratic business – to explore how we decide on the current policy priorities of the democratic business sector (businesses, advisors, and federation bodies) with a range of individuals and organisations who are aspiring to support the sector. We’re now aiming to hold the roundtable in mid-May.

Oldham council - sustainable food

Stir to Action is working with the Oldham Food Partnership and Shared Assets to help them develop a wider understanding of sustainable and alternative approaches to food security, to better support local charities and residents in Oldham who have been using emergency food provision.

Over the next year we’ll be working with local organisations to build their capacity and knowledge of co-operatives in the food system, from primary production to processing to wholesaling and retailing.

New Economy Programme

The New Economy Programme continues until June, with workshops including Community Partnerships: How to collaborate towards change with Stephanie Gamauf on 23rd April, Worker Co-ops: How to Get Started with Jo White on 7th May, and Flatpack Democracy: Time to make local politics work with Pam Barrett on 14th May.

We’re grateful to our partners, Power to Change, Preston City Council, and Farming the Future for offering free training places. To check eligibility and availability, visit our website or email workshops@stirtoaction.com.