Lees Eco Hub

Prize Amount £


About Lees Eco Hub

The hub is a learning by doing resource for schools, community groups, organisations and individuals. The office building and bowling green are used for growing eco-friendly fruit and vegetables and delivering educational sessions with a wide range of community groups and schools covering all aspects of sustainability.

The problems FSCP will address include:

  • Thousands of emergency food parcels continue to be used by Oldham residents
  • However, the nutrition from this food is often poor
  • There are low levels of locally grown food in Oldham combined with inadequate access to growing spaces, partly from the inability of some to travel to green spaces

Lees Eco Hub’s solutions to the above include:

  • Delivering weekly online food growing training sessions to Oldham residents, which links to:
  • Setting up a local seed bank to then distribute seeds for people to grow their own at home; and
  • Distributing site-grown vegetable plug plants for residents to grow at home
  • Growing from Scraps: training people to learn resourceful ways to grow and save money
  • Kitchen refurbishment on site to start a community cafe to encourage people to pick grown foods from the site, cook and learn all about their nutrition, and enjoy eating and learning together
  • Establishing a network of local growers through all of the above