The BeyondHere fellowship is launching a six-week webinar programme, connecting UK communities and beyond with inspiring international projects in other parts of the world.
Explore our programme below and book to join a 2.5 hour webinar in June & July 2020.
To take part, see our current fellowships below, check the eligibility criteria, and apply when applications are open.
For questions and further information get in touch with Stir to Action’s Beyond Here Fellowship coordinator Stephanie Gamauf.
Could we bring Preston’s Community Wealth Building model to Cornwall? Or Bristol’s local currency to Newcastle? What if there were Participatory Cities in every borough of London? Imagine if schools across the country followed the Brixton Energy co-op model?
The Beyond Here Fellowship is a small grants programme (£2,000) to fund individual fellows to undertake place-based research that connects people and places with new economic models and approaches across the UK.
Working in partnership with different funders and organisations, we’re offering fellowship grants that focus on current challenges and opportunities, such as climate change, economic democracy, placemaking, mental health, and heritage.